Hello, the question for my essay is :
Analyze the following three photographs from Diane Arbus and consider whether these photographs are empowering to the subject or exploiting the subject; Identical Twins, Roselle, New Jersey (1967), Eddie Carmel, Jewish Giant, taken at Home with His Parents in the Bronx, New York (1970) and Jack Dracula, The Marked Man (1961).
I will analyze these three photographs, compare what in common they have and what makes them different. I will consider if they are empowering to the subject or exploiting the subject.
Identical Twins, Roselle, New Jersey (1967), Eddie Carmel
I am not sure I understand the purpose of this blog post, as you have just stated your chosen set essay question here. Your blog only needs to include a mind map and schedule for the set essay. Please send a draft of your essay via email and do not add this to your blog.